Welcome to my public blog! I am in my 40's. I live in the Twin Cities metro area in a basic Victorian farmhouse on a large plot of land with a healthy organic garden. I have a wonderful husband who is solid as a rock. I have a daughter on the West Coast, a stepdaughter on the East Coast, and a daughter still at home whom I am blessed to be able to spend most of my days with.
A menagarie allows us to coexist with them, sometimes even peaceably. This includes the 2 dogs; "Blue" the Husky mix and "Zipper" the Smooth Saluki mix, the 4 cats; "Stu" the orange Alpha male, "Minnie" the aggressive Calico, "Ali" the all black sleek lover, and "Dusty" the blue tortoise-shell tortured soul porch cat.
This blog is formatted with most recent entries on top. A welcome letter is posted as the first entry in the archives. Please peruse as you please.