"Keep your rosaries off my ovaries"
This slogan, if read by anyone with intelligence, is really self-defeating for it's purpose.
Think about it:
"Keep your rosaries off my ovaries"
Those that flaunt this slogan may claim they are telling us to not force our morals on them (which is silly since all laws are a matter of forcing moral views on others, name me one that is not), but that is a weak way to make such a statement.
What is really being said by this slogan is very clear: "Don't pray for my fertility" or "stop praying for abortion to become illegal". Those that have items with this statement have to admit that with this statement they are telling us not to pray for them or in regards to the abortion matters. It is undeniable. It is very clear.
Stop praying.
Think about it.
What is wrong with praying for abortion to become illegal if it is as right and good as prochoice advocates claim for it to be? How could prayer harm their stance? What is there for them to fear or feel threatened about prayer, if what they support is right?
God does not support wrong things even if we pray for them to happen, and no prayer is wasted.
So if the proabortion advocate believes in God, and they believe abortion rights for women is a good and correct thing, then they should believe that prayer regarding abortion, either for or against it, will only help their cause.
If a person came up to me and said that they were praying for the prolife movement to become extinct, I would say "go right ahead" (for the prolife movement to become extinct would simply mean it would not be needed anymore...and what a wonderful world that would be). If abortion were illegal, and there was a movement that was praying to God for it to become legal, I would think them sadly misled, but I would not discourage them from praying (though I may try to sway them from their misled belief's about abortion), rather I would encourage them to continue praying. For all prayer is good and heard, and I know that God would only answer their prayers by working within their hearts to see the Truth. I would not see their prayer as counterproductive to my stance at all. For God only supports that which is right and good and True.
So the people who are proabortion and believe in God, and take offense to my rosaries regarding abortion, are making a profound statement that they do not believe abortion is right and good, that my prayers are a threat to them.
But what about the people who claim to not believe in God?
Well quite frankly, if my rosaries offend them, then deep down, they are not as atheistic as they think they are. For to real atheists, my rosaries are simple wastes of time, and people are not offended or threatened by simple wastes of time.
No, the bumperstickers and t-shirts that state "Keep your rosaries off my ovaries" are a definate sign that my rosaries are effective, and a good reminder to me that I should continue saying them. After all, we all know who hates and fears prayer the most.
As for that slogan offending me, it does not in the least. It simply makes me very sad that the woman showing it on her car or chest has bought into the lie. And the fact that she choses to advertise such a slogan simply states that her conscience bugs her and she is working on deadening it, or that she has chosen to serve the evil one.
So I then pray a rosary specifically for her.
I have to admit, the title of this post at first led me to believe I was going to read something entirely different, something along the lines of what other blogs have been saying...you know what I'm talking about I'm sure, though in all fairness, there have been those that also make comments on the ridiculousness of the phrase within their blogs. But the posts with this title have always had an entirely different feel.
At first it threw me off as what I was reading was not what I was expecting, then when comprehension sunk in, I had to laugh, for you put into words exactly what I was thinking about those other blogs I read.
Personally I think the rosaries on ovaries slogan is very prejudicial, and shows a lack of being able to think for one's self as it is so obvious an idiom thought up by those that would suffer financially if abortion, a ‘made-for-profit-genocide’, was made illegal.
What a pity that supposed pro-choice supporters do not realize that if there were no money to be made off of abortion no such idiotic idioms would have been fed to them for them to blindly swallow and spout off without fully thinking of what they were saying (and there is no denying that they are doing this, for rarely if ever do any of the blogs with the slogan "Keep your rosaries off my ovaries" in them have anything to do with Catholics who are the only people who say the rosary.).
They not only do not have a clue that they are being used in this manner, but they would (or do) deny vehemently. Their blindness truly astounds me.
I really like your comments which ask 'why do prochoicers not want us to pray for them, what are they afraid of if what they are doing is really right'?
Oh good point! Very good point!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Your story was beautiful and I pray that God will bless you indeed.
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